Recruiting and training volunteers is a difficult task but is vital for the day-to-day running and future sustainability of most clubs. People who emerge as volunteers are the lifeblood of a boxing club, yet often are taken for granted. As people’s time becomes more valuable it is important that clubs consider their volunteers; how they can recruit, support, recognise and reward the work they do.
To find volunteers you need to have a clear understanding of why you want them. If you identify clearly when, where, and why you want help and then seek it in an organised way, people are more likely to step forward and offer assistance.
All Coaches, Officials, CWPOs, and volunteers that conduct regulated work or come into regular contact with Children or Protected Adults at BSL Affiliated Boxing Clubs are mandated to hold a PVG with Boxing Scotland.
Ideally one of the club’s members should take charge of new volunteers. This role is commonly referred to as the ‘Volunteer Co-ordinator’ and will be required to spend time training to mentor and manage each volunteer to ensure that they are deployed effectively within the club and are enjoying their role.
The role of volunteer co-ordinator could focus on:
• Getting to know the club membership
• Identifying the volunteer needs of the club
• Recruiting new volunteers
• Providing feedback and support
• Maintaining volunteers’ motivation
Club Roles and Positions – These are not exhaustive
- President/Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Club Working Official (A club can have up to three Officials)
- A Club Delegate – to represent the club at District and Boxing Scotland meetings ( A club can have up to three Delegates)
- Club Child Wellbeing and Protect Officer
- Head Coach
- Assistant Coach
We would recommend club have a dedicated Funding Committee/panel to assist the club with fundraising and funding opportunities.
BSL – Club Development – New Coach/Volunteer application form
- Complete the application form and send it along with a passport style picture to the Development Officer via email or post.
- Complete the exam link sent by Development Officer if assuming the role of a coach.
- Arrange a PVG Call with Development Officer to do an ID verification check at least 2x items of the ID (1x Photographic and 1x Proof of current address) need to be seen by the Signatory (Development Officer).
- PVG application request will be submitted to Volunteer Scotland Disclosure by your Development Officer
- All Coaches/Child Protection Officers must complete the Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport workshop. Certificate sent to Development Officer.
- Child Protection Officers must also complete the Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer workshop as well.
- Payment must be made for the cost of the coach badge to Boxing Scotland electronically or by cheque or cash.
- Once all steps are complete a coach badge will be sent out.
BSL – Club Development – New Officials application form
- Complete the Application form and send it along with a Passport style picture to the Development Officer via email or post.
- Arrange a PVG Call with Development Officer to do an ID verification check at least 2x items of the ID (1x Photographic and 1x Proof of current address) need to be seen by the Signatory (Development Officer).
- PVG application request will be submitted to Volunteer Scotland Disclosure by Development Officer
- Payment must be made for the cost of the official’s badge and book to Boxing Scotland electronically or by cheque or cash.
- Once all steps are complete a Official’s probationary badge will be sent out.
- Start training with districts R/J.
BSL – Club Development – Club Committee Role Descriptor Templates
All Coaches, Officials, Child Well-being and Protection Officers, and volunteers that conduct regulated work or come into regular contact with Children or Protected Adults at Affiliated Boxing Clubs are mandated to hold a PVG with Boxing Scotland.
Accessing PVG Checks
If your club is affiliated with Boxing Scotland. Boxing Scotland is registered with the Volunteer Scotland Disclosure Services (VSDS) to access free PVG checks for volunteers. PVG checks are now completed online (offline version is also available if required but will take longer)
The Online PVG Application Service is a simple 8 step start to finish process:
- Step 1: Club requests PVG check completing a request with your regional Development Officer with the name of the club member who requires a PVG. The ID check will be arranged with the individual.
- Step 2: Regional Development Officer will complete the VSDS Online Application Request form and return it via email to VSDS. The Club member will receive an update at the ID verification explaining what will happen next.
- Step 3: VSDS input data provided by organisation to Disclosure Scotland’s PVG Online Application Portal.
- Step 4: Disclosure Scotland’s automatically generated link will be sent to the applicant. The applicant will have 7 days to complete this link.
- Step 5: Applicant completes personal information via email link. Applicant information submitted directly to Disclosure Scotland.
- Step 6: Disclosure checks undertaken by Disclosure Scotland.
- Step 7: Certificate issued to VSDS and the applicant.
- Step 8: VSDS issue certificate to Boxing Scotland
- Step 9: VSDS will notify Boxing Scotland of the outcome of PVG if not forthcoming.
Remember: PVG is only one part of the appointment and selection process for individuals in regulated work.
Please contact your Development Officer for more information.
North District – Ben Holme, ben.holme@boxingscotland.org 07702 866135
East District – Paul Coleman, paul.coleman@boxingscotland.org 07803 513699
West District (North) – Kieran Fraser, kieran.fraser@boxingscotland.org 07944 598755
West District (South) – Cameron McAlpine, cameron.mcalpine@boxingscotland.org 07399 891377